4549 Van Slyke Road
Flint, MI 48507 |
Phone Number
(810) 232-4130
FAX: (810) 232-8348 Legal Services: (800) 482-7700 |
Local 659 Officers & Staff
Alex Ortiz, President
ext. 218
Anthony Davis, Vice-President
ext. 214
Duane Ballard, Financial Secretary
ext. 216
Kimberly Jones, Recording Secretary
ext. 212
Donna Howd, Secretary to the President/Searchlight
ext. 231
[email protected]
Natasha Fuller, Dues Office/Website
ext. 217
[email protected]
ext. 218
Anthony Davis, Vice-President
ext. 214
Duane Ballard, Financial Secretary
ext. 216
Kimberly Jones, Recording Secretary
ext. 212
Donna Howd, Secretary to the President/Searchlight
ext. 231
[email protected]
Natasha Fuller, Dues Office/Website
ext. 217
[email protected]